One year ago, I was travelling to Finland. It was a strange sensation, another time in Finland, my fourth time. People who know me, know that Scandinavian countries they have always attracted to me, and to have the oportunity of spend one semester living there, it was a dream for me.
I don't know why, but since I was young I always wished to go to Scandinavia, so when Empar told me that we could go to Helsinki to visit her sister, I accepted and I became in a fan of Finland, specially of Helsinki.
Helsinki isn't it the most beautiful city, there aren't great sights, it's a dark capital (from november to january there's only 4 or 6 hours of light, but you can not see the sun because always is cloudy, and during this season the snow is dirty, it isn't white is grey), the weather... horrible, windy in the islands, cold in winter (special from january to march) cloudy and rainy in autum... but there's something, something wich attract you.
For this reason, one year ago, when I was travelling to Finland I thought "For you Finland is special, Helsinki has all that you look for in a city, but you've always come only for a trip, not for live, and maybe after 4 months you discover that it isn't perfect"
But, after a great time in Spain again, I can say that I was wrong, Finland is perfect, Helsinki is wonderful, my favourite city, and I come back, but I don't know when.
Pues así fue hace un año, cuando me embarcaba en el vuelo de Valencia a Madrid, Madrid- Copenague, Copenague-Helsinki, diversos pensamientos me iban pasando por la cabeza. Era posible que mis paises idealizados siempre como la perfección no lo fueran? Hubiera sido como romperle la ilusión a un niño, pero no fue asi.
A la hora a la que escribo hace un año, estaba sobrevolando Europa camino de Copenague donde hice la última escala en mi viaje, estaba nervioso, muy nervioso (aunque siempre se me ha dado bien esconder mis sensaciones) me dirigia a un lugar tan conocido, pero a la vez tan desconocido, donde iba a pasar los siguientes 4 meses con gentes de diferentes lugares de europa, con sus costumbres y manias, sus formas de ver la vida... y que pintaba yo alli?
Pues pintar pinte más de lo que pensaba, porque la mayoria de trabajos que hicimos, los coloreabamos con lapices de colores.
Write & Relax Journals
Hace 5 años
3 comentarios:
Un final sublime.
Però recorda que no tot va ser material... allí tens el Pyranesi
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bon vent i barca nova, germà. Qui cau malalt de la bogeria de viatjar no es cura mai. T'ho dic per experiència.
un besot!
Pyranesi, Pyranesi, Pyranesi...
Quanta rao tens en ixes paraules, sols hi ha una cosa q impedix vieatjar, els diners, però ja es buscara algo per solventar-ho.
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